Save A Life

Saving a Life, One Month at a Time
How would you feel if YOU could save an innocent life?
How good would it make you, your group or club, your sorority
or fraternity, your classmates, your company and/or friends to know,
with certainty, that you were responsible for saving the life of a
previously unwanted dog who otherwise would not have stood a chance?
Pretty darn good???? Well, here's your chance.
Love Rescue, "Mutts," is a no-kill, all-volunteer group whose
experienced volunteers banded together in April 2010 with the
mission of spending virtually every nickel raised directly on the
medical care and temporary housing of the dogs we take in pending
each of his or her placement in loving, responsible homes.
With your help, we can do so much more, save so many more lives.
We rely heavily on foster homes to care for our dogs until
permanent homes can be found. Unfortunately, however, there aren't
enough foster homes available for all the dogs we take in.
Thanks to the generosity of several excellent kennels and vet
offices, Mutt Love Rescue has been able to board our dogs at the
greatly reduced rate of $15 a day or $450 a month — time enough, on
average, to move a dog through Mutts to his or her forever home. Therefore,
each $450 you raise and donate to Mutts -- which will be placed in
an account dedicated solely to boarding expenses -- translates into
a life you have saved, guaranteed, the life of a dog to whom we
would otherwise have had to say, "sorry." So please, plan those car
washes and yard and bake sales, talk with your friends about joining
you in donating and/or organizing a fund-raiser -- get those
creative ideas flowing. Business managers and owners, please
consider supporting a valuable resource to your community. Join with
us in saving those who can't help themselves.
Participants in the program will, if they wish and with their consent, be placed on an Honor Roll of Angels on our website, Mutt Love Rescue is a Section 501(c) (3) organization and all donations are deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Thank you.
If you are able to join our team of Angels, please send your
check or money order to Mutt Love Rescue, PO Box
1005, Fairfax, VA 22038 or, if you prefer, you may pay by credit
card through PayPal on our website (above). Either way, please
specify if you would like your name/s posted on Mutts’ website and,
if so, how you would like the posting to read, e.g., your name/s or
group’s name, company logo, “in honor/memory of,” etc. Feel free to
contact us at with any questions.
Lucky Pup |
Sponsor |
For Bella from Kirk Moberley |
Hazel Sponsored by George and Kim Fite |
For Pharr - from Karen Ann Moore |
For Cindy Lu from Heather, in loving memory of my Roxie.
While Roxie was not a Mutt Love dog herself, she was a
foster sister to many Mutt Love dogs over the years.
For Megan in memory of Flo Campbell from Dan and Pat Phelps |
For Mariah in memory of Barbara Jahreis from Dan and Pat Phelps |
For Snickerdoodle from Karen Moore in memory of Flo Campbell |
For Snoopy from Karen Ann Moore |
For Mabel - In loving memory of Xander Echeverry from Kirk
Moberley |
For Missie and all the dogs still waiting - Kat and Julian |
FOR RILEY From Karen Ann Moore in memory of Bethel Moore. |
For Barbara, who loved Luke and most certainly would have loved Loretta. From Joan Urban. |
For Maurice - In loving memory of Barbara B. Jahreis from The Powers Family - Anne, Jimmy and Kenny |
For Luke from Kirk Moberley in loving memory of Barbara B. Jahreis |
Bailey - Sponsored by our friends at DML Development LLC |
Elvira - Sponsored by our friends at DML Development LLC |
For Layla from the Mutt Love Rescue Board and volunteers in memory of Pat Breen, lover of all animals. |
For Abraham - From Barbara Jahreis in honor of all the wonderful dogs rescued by Mutt Love Rescue |
For Wiz - From Kirk Moberley in memory of Gem and Rocky Chuey. |
For Cooper in memory of Jim Powers, from The Powers Family |
Sponsored by David M. Lesser and our friends at Colt Run Development Group LLC |
To speed Strauss from his life in pain, in loving memory of Jane Misheloff, who would have done the same. Joan Urban |
For Strauss in memory of Greg Bender, husband of Lois, daddy of Foxey, and friend of everybody. Kirk Moberley |
For Farmer in memory of Lucky - from the Fite Family. |
Trixie- Eight months old, ten pounds of sweetness,
long-haired chihuahua. Taken in by Mutts from a rural shelter in honor of Jean Yahraus-Urban who loves ALL animals, with a special spot in her heart for chihuahuas. With Love, Joan |
From Barbara Jahreis to help with Jeff's heartworm treatment and to honor all old beagles. |
From Barbara Jahreis - in memory of Copper who Mutts desperately tried to save, and in honor of Priscilla who misses him. |
For Barby from Barbara Jahreis in memory of Shera, a rescued black cat who was 19 years old. |
For Jeff: From George and Kim Fite in honor of Chris Schaeffer's birthday |
In memory of Vixen, best friend of Lois and Greg Bender, and Kirby, best friend of John Henry Loomis. |
Old Man - From Barbara Jahreis, in memory of Bobby Taylor,
beloved companion to Debbie and Bill Taylor |
Sammie & Susy - Sponsored by our friends at GEICO
Bubba & Ruma - In honor of Michael Sydorko by Siobhan de Courcy and Joan Urban |
Branch - In memory of Daisy Mae Moberley. From Barbara
Jahreis |
For Sudie and her soon-to-be-born pups, in memory of Lucky Phelps. From Barbara Jahreis |
Abby and Asher - In memory of my beloved beagles, Pumpkin and
Steven, who were best friends and are now in heaven together.
From Barbara Jahreis. |
Buttons - From Barbara Jahreis in memory of Toni Powers and to thank Cathy Haffner for her help with her computer. |
Yella and Della - From Joan Urban - In honor of Dundee and Annie and the wonderful family who kept the older bonded pair together. |
Samson - From Kirk Moberley, In Memory of Toni Powers
Clementine - From The Fite Family, In Honor of George Fite's Birthday. |
Jinx (Crosspost for Manassas City Shelter) - In loving and
sorrowful memory of Toni Powers, Scout Gowda, Thelma Mutts, Amos
Mutts and Pumpkin Pettit. We'll meet again. Joan Urban |
Fannie - In honor of my Mutt Love Rescue dogs, Pumpkin and Pumpernickel, for whom I am very thankful. --Barbara Jahreis |
Floyd - In honor of my Mutt Love Rescue dogs, Pumpkin and Pumpernickel, for whom I am very thankful. --Barbara Jahreis |
Minnie - Kim & George Fite
Stanley - Kim & George Fite |
Winona - In memory of Henry Phelps from Barbara Jahreis |
Sam: In memory of Ruby Powers from Kirk Moberley |
Anthony: From Barbara Jahreis in memory of Hope and Douglas. |
Holmes: From Barbara Jahreis in memory of Cheeseburger Phelps and Ruby Powers. |
Watson: From Barbara Jahreis in memory of Cheeseburger Phelps and Ruby Powers. |
Winslow: From Karen and Dale
Pettit in memory of our beloved Buddy From Barbara Jahreis in memory of Hope and Douglas. |
Bailee - sponsored by Barbara Jahreis and Dan and Pat Phelps in memory of Hunter Turcotte, beloved beagle companion to Jeff and Amy Turcotte. |
Bud - In honor of Tom Weber's retirement from 25 years of teaching at Jefferson Middle School - from the teachers at Jefferson. |
Jackson - In memory of Shelly and Wallace - from Barbara Jahreis |
Wallace the one-eyed hound in honor of Pat Phelps' birthday - from Florence Campbell |
Seymour - In memory of Tippy,
best friend of my youth, companion in the rain, fur-sister. See
you at the bridge. From Karen Moberley |
Buster; Sponsored by our friends at GEICO
Max; Sponsored by our friends at GEICO
Hunter; Sponsored by our friends at GEICO
In memory of
Butterbean from Barbara Jahreis We just couldn't get Butterbean out of our minds. Her online photo confirmed her description, that she was an older stray lab, in bad shape and in pain. We had to give her a chance. We found upon her arrival that the description and photo were all too accurate. She was taken directly to our vet who put her on pain meds, and shortly after, to a neurologist for a lengthy consultation and MRI. While Butter was under anesthesia, her prognosis was discussed and the report was not good -- she was found to have a torn ACL, at least two ruptured discs, an apparently long-standing, ongoing infection in her spinal cord, and the part of her spleen the doctor could see was significantly abnormal and probably cancerous. We very sadly made the decision not to wake her from the anesthesia. We take a tiny measure of comfort from the fact that she didn't die on a cold shelter floor, was loved, and would have been made well had we had the power. |
In memory of Angie Phelps, from Barbara Jahreis |
Benson In memory of Howard Gregory by Phyllis and Vega Mariam |
Boo In memory of Carol Gregory by Phyllis and Vega Mariam |
Bailey Sponsored by Denise A Martin |
Bertram In memory of Noel, a mixed shepherd Barbara Jahreis |
Michelle In memory of Muriel J. Hunter Barbara Jahreis
Melody In memory of BC Phelps Barbara Jahreis |
Bodie In memory of Chucky Jahreis Barbara Jahreis |
Myrtle In memory of BC Phelps Julian Albert & Kat Heller |
LuLu In Loving Memory of Lillian Clancy. Mollie McCurdy
Ollie In honor and memory of Marlo, from Val and Joe |
Freddie In memory of Dorothy Kerns |
Lilah Sponsored by Kirk Moberley in honor of Daisy Mae |
Consul For Elayne The work continues. Joan |
Sponsored by the volunteers of Mutts in honor and memory of
our Jimbo, who was taken from the same rural shelter. RIP
sweet Jimbo.
Pav For Sarah April 10, 1937 - May 15, 1989 Forever missed. Joan |
Pilot For Sheila. Joan |
Jimbo -- 20?? to 4-10-14 Sponsored by Barbara B. Jahreis in memory of Steven beagle and Toby Jimbo belonged to Mutt Love at the end of his life. I am of course saddened that Jimbo did not make it to a happy recovery. But I am gladdened that at the end, he was our dog and he went to the rainbow bridge already much loved by Mutts' members. That is the kind of group I want to belong to. Not afraid to risk their hearts on rescuing the sad, broken dogs and to give them love and a chance at the end. I hope Jimbo will be on our Save a Life page so we may remember him. The board members and transporters have great courage to help dogs when we can to recovery or to a peaceful passing. Mutt Love means just that -- great love even when our hearts can be broken; we do not ignore the dogs asking for one more chance, no matter how slim. Please continue this valuable work and not be discouraged. The other groups were afraid to step up. Today, victory from neglect, pain and being unwanted was ours and Jimbo's. Please share this message of hope and not defeat. Barbara J. |
Darla Sponsored by Kim and George Fite |
Chief In honor and memory of my parents, Ed and Helen Urban, whose love of animals started it all, for their anniversary, April 20, 1939. - Joan |
Isabel Sponsored by Cathy Haffner and her former coworkers at NSWC Carderock, in honor of her retirement after 35+ years of service. |
Sponsored by Barbara Jahreis - In memory of Steven Beagle |
Sponsored by Barbara Jahreis - In memory of Steven Beagle |
Mabel Sponsored by Barbara Jahreis - In memory of Steven Beagle |
Sparky Sponsored by Louise |
Emily Sponsored by Thelma |
Pepper Sponsored by Kim and George Fite |
Rocky In memory of John Lawson, fraternity brother and best friend of fifty years. Kirk Moberley |
TJ In memory of my beautiful boy, Taz, the sweetest boy ever. Cathy |
Cedric In memory of Elayne -- We spent our first six-plus decades together and on June 28, 2013, one full decade apart. Liked the first six a lot better. Joan |
Bowser For Sheila Mahr
A remarkable person -- gentle, kind,
thoughtful, witty, brave, constant, wise -- and a beloved,
irreplaceable friend. It was a joy and a privilege to have had
you in my life. Joan |
Coco Sponsored by: Anne Marie Gillikin From Bella, another little beagle whose life was saved. |
Casey Sponsored by Terry and Mike Talisnik In Memory of our beloved Jax
Sammie Sponsored by Mimi Im Huge thanks from everyone at Mutts for all your hard work in saving Sammie. |
LinDel for Beth Strehle Beth Anne, my friend, my sister of the heart! May your journey ahead be joyful and sure and may your life in the Beyond be filled with laughter and love and be ever pure and, Beth, may you always walk in Beauty! |
Shylock (Shy) Kirk Moberley in fond memory of Beth Anne Strehle |
Lacy For Elayne with love. It's been nine years today, June 28, 2003. Joan |
Honey From the Mutts' Board to honor the hard-working volunteers who made our summer solstice silent auction such great fun and a great success. |
Roberta and Greg Knussmann for Lynn Goldberg's birthday at Lynn's special request. |
Justice The Radford family in loving memory of our sweet, sweet Sadie. |
Lilly Anonymous - In Loving Memory of Chuck and Maggie. |
Pups Anonymous - to help care for Lilly's pups. |
Ruby Thanks to the brothers of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, George Washington University, who gave so generously of their time this year as well as bringing Ruby to us. |
Sweetie Anonymous - In Loving Memory of Maggie. |
By Joan Urban in honor and memory of Warren Howard Phelps.
By Joan Urban In honor and memory of Louise Painter Rollyson.
By Barbara Jahreis, in
loving memory of my beagle, Bobby Gayle.
Romeo By Cathy in loving memory of Franklin. |
Dan By from Cathy K., Pat and Dan in memory of Joan's adored Gulliver, Bubblegum and Fred. |
Eddie By Barbara Jahreis in memory of Buddy, a mixed Bassett. |
Bentley, Jr. By The Radford Family - Our continuous love for our late Sadie Sue. |
Marlow Anonymous – In gratitude for Daisy Mae, the little girl who rescued me.” |
Received the gift of life and a start toward good health this holiday season from Niki and Sangeeta Prasad and Greg and Roberta Knussmann. |
Flo Campbell for my boy, Shamus. |
Joey From Anonymous in memory of Jeb and Sweetpea Phelps. |
Tara Anonymous - "wishing we could help all dogs." |
From Barbara and Steven Jahreis: Bess in memory of Jeb and Sweetpea Phelps. |
Clyde Roberta and Greg Knussmann in loving memory of Bubblegum, Gulliver, Bodie, Fred, Max and Rupert (aka Sharkie). |
Pongo Lynn Taylor and Terry Wildermuth in honor of Kela. |
Buddy Barbara Jahreis in memory of Buddy, a mixed Bassett and Ebony, a black cat. |
From Kirk Moberley - In memory of Shotzie, Flipper, Cricket, Tag, Copper, Cinder, and Jack. I miss you, my friends. See you all at the Bridge. |
Rosemary Anonymous - In memory of our beloved Rachel. |